
  1. 20220901: POSTECH University Professor, POSTECH
  2. 20220421: Science and Technology Medal of Innovation Medal (과학기술 훈장, 혁신장)  by President of Korea (대한민국 대통령 ),  2022 Celebration, Science and Information communication day (2022 과학 정보통신의날 기념식 )
  3. 202109 : 17th Kyung-Ahm Award (경암상), Kyung-Ahm Eductions and Culture Foundation, Korea
  4. 2019 (Dec 09-Dec 21, 2019)   Simons Visiting Professorship, MFO, Germany
  5. 2018 (Oct 5)Academic Award of Korean Mathematical Society, Coex, KMS-DMU Joint meeting (대한수학회 학술상,대한수학회)
  6. 2018  A member of Korea Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) (한국 과학기술 한림원 정회원)
  7. 2017.12.29  Award for meritorious work in basic science, Ministerial Citation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Information and Communication(과학기술정보통신부장관 표창 )
  8. 2015.11.06 Award for the best research achievement,  Deputy prime minister and Education Minister (2014년도 학술 연구지원사업 우수 성과 부총리겸 교육부장관 표창창)
  9. 2015  (Oct 24) Distinguished service medal for ICM-Seoul 2014 , Korea Mathematical Society (단체 공로상)
  10. 2015  (Oct 30) Appreciation Letter for Local organizing committee of ICWM 2014, Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences. (단체상)
  11. 2013 American Mathematical Society Fellow (미국 수학회 펠로우 선정 , 미국수학회)
  12. 2008 “Scientists who want to resemble and want to be” Ministry of Science and Technology ( 닮고 싶고 되고 싶은 과학기술인, 과학기술부)
  13. 2007 “Amore-Pacific The best Women in Science and Technology”,KOFWST(Korea Federation of Woman’s Science and Technology Association(아모레퍼시픽 여성과학자상, 한국여성과학기술총연합회)
  14. 2005 The best woman Scientist of the year”, Ministry of Science and Technology(올해의 여성과학기술자상, 과학기술부
  15. 2004 “Kwon, Kyungwhan” Chaired Professor, POSTECH(권경환 석좌교수, 포항공과대학교)
  16. 2003 The Best Research Award, KOSEF(한국과학재단 선정 우수연구 30선, 한국과학재단/과학기술부)
  17. 2002 The best Journal Paper Award, Korean Mathematical Society(대한수학회 논문상, 대한수학회)